Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Baxter Family is now ONLINE!

Hello family and friends. Melissa and I have had many friends and family send us links to their family's blog. We thought, "why not us?", so here you are. We will post pictures and information on this blog on interesting/funny/weird/etc., events to update you on our status. Currently, we are excited to say that after a long time, we are living a "normal" schedule. I have finished school at BYU, and am working at a hospital as a therapist/social worker for children and families. Melissa is busy with the kids at home, but somehow finds time to continue photography here and there. Her current website is: Here you can see all of her work, as well as contact her for any photo needs. Ethan is now 3 1/2, and loves about any sport you can throw at him. When I asked him what his favorite sport is, he said "football", but I think that's because it was just the most recent sport played. He is very helpful, and loves to help his little sister, Mai. Maille (pronounced MAY-lee), is 1 1/2. She is hilarious, and can make faces which are unique to a one year old. She thinks she is a little Mommy, and will follow Ethan around saying "NO-NO!", or while looking for him she will say "Eeeee . . where are you?". Overall, I would say we are happy with where we are, and eagerly looking to the future.


Anonymous said...

What a great family blog!! I loved seeing pics of your vacation and hearing a few tidbits, so thanks!! Also could anyone have any cuter kids? What great Halloween outfits!!
love you guys,
Heather J.

Anonymous said...

You know, I completely agree that it's really important to keep connected with those you care about most. Your blog was so interesting and the pictures really beautiful and fun. Loved the pics of the kids and hearing the stories. Thanks so much for taking the time! Mom/Mary