Monday, November 5, 2007

Mel's Halloween Note

Halloween was a scream! Ethan was decked out in his Piiiieret (Pirate) costume, AARRR. And we dressed Maille in a little Tinker Bell Tutu. We went to Aunt Heather's for some Halloweenies and Ethan ran around with the big boys and got way too much candy. Do you think we can sell it on EBAY? And just when I thought Mai had had enough trick or treat fun, she grabs my hand and says 'Wak, Wak' and we walk down the street to 2 or 3 more houses...she knows exactly what she is doing. Even an 19 month old can't elude the sweet smell of candy at every doorstep.


Maggie said...

Thanks for sharing your blog. I love the Halloween costumes. Hope all is going well. You have such a cute family. Maggie

Unknown said...

Still checking your blog and I am still waiting for Aaron to get it in gear. I'd love to see some pics from your Christmas.

Christine said...

Your kids are so adorable and are changing so fast! It's fun to read your blog and see the cute pictures.