A great find happened upon me before I even knew it. A dear cousin of mine, called me one evening soliciting an invitation of a night of country dance. A mission friend he had made, was in need of a good adventure and I wasn't against the good judgement of my cousin, thus the blind date was set. We danced country through out the evening and have continued our dance to this date October 24th, 2010.

Thirty three years ago, my 'Big Find' was born in American Fork. And what a fabulous find it has been. He tickles my senses, eases my pain, shines in the sun (we're both working on our tans :)), and is always close by. Through out these past years I've found him cleaning kitchen floors, vacuuming out disgustingly dirty mini vans, mowing lawns, graduating with masters, walking to work, helping troubled youth, fixing bike tires, telling stories, building imaginations and most importantly...loving me.
Finders Keepers.
Happy Birthday Sexy!
1 comment:
I remember you telling me you met at a dance and shortly after left for you mission. What a fun story!
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