Friday, August 20, 2010

Hobo Party 2010

A HOBO: a migratory worker or homeless vagabond, often penniless often found wearing odd, weathered and worn clothing found at the local DI or closets of his/her parents house. They search for food under garbage can lids, in buckets and baskets, and use tin plates and cups in lieu of china's finest. And if they are really lucky, a smoked turkey or leg of ham might show up in Farmer Brian's garbage can just waiting to be gobbled up. For dessert; mud pie.
It is not uncommon to see little stinkers throwing oversized balls at paint cans and jumping around in brown potato sacks, found just days before in the fields. If there is a seasoned pick pocket in the group, he or she may have already snatched two dozen eggs from Farmer Bill's coop and gathered the family around for a wholesome game of egg toss. And someone, sooner or later, will let the cat out of the bag when pieces of taffy and sweets are found in the big pile of sawdust out west by the shed. Christmas has serious competition when that happens.

Caution, a girl hobo is never to be tried in a game of tug o war. The opposing boy will undoubtedly be thrust forward, falling onto his knees begging for mercy. But don't worry, any feelings of anger or humiliation will disappear once the the sun goes down and the film is rolling at Peters' Parking Lot of Pictures.

Summer just wouldn't be the same without mouths full of watermelon, hair full of dirt and grime, bellies full of gummy worms and hearts full of joy. To have A HOBO for a friend is to have pure adventure & delight at your filthy fingertips. And if you're lucky enough and dirty enough, you might catch a ride with them in their box cars. But please keep your hands and arms in at all times, it will be a remember.

Enjoy the Show!
Click here to enjoy more HOBO fun!


Angel said...

cute commentary and cute pic! Well Done!

Julie said...
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Julie said...

looks like fun... great pictures hobo Melissa!