Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is it here?

Ethan (My Mummy), Maille (Joan of Arc), and Adam (Alfalfa) have dreamt about the 31st of October for the entire year. Visions of Skittles, Snickers and suckers have been dancing in their little heads non stop since September. And do you blame them? Isn't it every child's delight to run through their neighborhood gathering bits of sugar and sweet, anticipating that 'melt in your mouth' sensation after the treasure hunt has ended? Well, my three little munchkins ran through wind and rain to reach their trick or treating potential, and ran they did. I don't think their little legs have ever seen such conditioning.
Alfalfa came back to me, after an hour of complete bliss, with a bucket full of "caannny". My Mummy and the fearless Joan of Arc returned one half hour later with cold feet, red cheeks and smiles reaching across the valley. Their dreams had finally come true and with candy spread across the front room floor, visions of what seemed to be a never ending supply of sugar, danced in their heads.
As the evening came to a close, My Mummy held on to whatever magic was left of the night. Joan, who was completely famished, lay sound asleep, and Alfalfa I don't think, was quite sure if he'd been dreaming or not the entire evening.
Sleep tight my sweets, only 364 more days to go...


Gicela said...

Gotta love halloween! Cute costumes!

Christie said...

They were all so cute. I told Aaron that if they'd had a baby Halloween contest, Adam sure would've been a winner!

The Southwicks said...

Cute kiddos! Thanks for your post...its been a long time! I am doing well. We moved to northern idaho about 8 months ago for my husbands job. Both of my kids are huge and doing well. How are you guys? Are you still in Utah?

bethy said...

Don't you love Halloween?!?!?! I love those cute costumes. My girls are always so tickled to get the candy but then they don't hardly eat it. My little Reese was sent to change things up because the girl has a MAJOR sweet tooth.