Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chewy, Crunchy, Yummy!

It's time for lunch, yet again. What can my modern day ice box offer me today? I see leftover cubed steak, a few tortillas, bean sprouts, one and a half jalapeños, ginger root, onion, lettuce and a good variety of 'Crazy Asian' sauces. Hmmm, let's start chopping, slicing and dicing and see what we come up with. What you see before you is what I call a delectable new way to throw together edibles that otherwise would have been tossed in the compost heap. It's the Chewy, Crunchy, Yummy, I need a fun change in my diet, Crazy Asian Wrap!


One Wrap (This chewy ingredient can be made of flour, corn, rice or you can opt out of having the wrap. Remember you can have control of what you add or subtract to your entree. YOU ARE IN say it again, "I AM IN CONTROL"...good.)

Carne (Chicken, beef, pork, or shrimp. I wouldn't recommend tuna from a can.)

1 Small Onion (Slice in long wedges. This ingredient will contribute to your crunchy texture.)

3 or 4 Ring Slices of the Jalapeño (Fire, Fire, Fire. You know you need some.)

1 tsp of minced Ginger Root (Throw it in every Asian dish you fry up. It's amazing what it does for your olfactory and soul.)

1 cup of Bean Sprouts (Yet another crunchy ingredient that meets the 'good for you' list.)

1 or 2 Leaves of Iceburg Lettuce (Or whatever type of green crunchy fiberous material you can find in you ice box.)

Crazy Asian Sauces (These sauces can include Soy Suace, Sesame Seed Oil, Hoisin Sauce or Oyster Sauce. Yummy ingredients can be found at your Local Friendly Asian Market for a much better price than the Oriental Food Aisle at Smith's.)

How to:

On a medium high flame, add a couple of tablespoons of oil to your fry pan, saute onion, ginger, jalapeño and beef. Add a couple tablespoons soy sauce, three or four drops of sesame seed oil and stir fry for 3 or 4 mintues. Throw a handful of bean sprouts in after the meat has browned toss for 1 or 2 more minutes. Turn the flame off, place the tortilla wrap on top of your stir fry and warm. Grab a plate, lay the warmed tortilla down, then two large leaves of lettuce or whichever green you prefer, scoop your stir fry on top, then add the hoisin, hoisin, hoisin suace (yummy ingredient). Now tuck, roll and get ready for a treat. Find a not so sticky or slimy place at the kitchen table, hang your sign that reads "Mommy's have to eat too. Go play." and your set.
Ain't life grand.

(I've also got a killer Pho Soup recipe that coincidentally calls for many of the same ingredients as this Asian Wrap. Call me.)


Christie said...

It's always fun to try something new. I love your new pic. of the kids on the top of your blog. So cute!!

Steph said...

You kill me! You seriously need your own cooking show.