I told my Ma, when I growed up, that I like to be a tractor driver. Right now, I'm a little short to reach the peddles of my grandpas tractor, but he lets me steer that beautiful piece of machinery around his field when I visit.
On my own time, I get plenty of drivin' in with my mini 8020 and '62 1010 special John Deere models. I drive them everywhere...in my room, in the kitchen, in the car. I've tried sneakin' 'em into church, but I ain't had no luck with that one. I thought Mama wouldn't mind if my 1010 & I snuggled in next to her and Daddy early this morning. But I guess he just wasn't as soft and cuddly as them sheets,

I know exactly where to pick up "All About John Deere" picture shows at the library. And if I'm really polite like and beg just enough, Mama will let me watch the picture in the wagon on our way home. Gosh, she's so good to me.
Yep, I think being three years old and havin' my own set of mini farmin' machines, with a blanket and shirt to keep me warm on those cooler harvest nights, suits me just fine.
What a fun read, and one cute kid!
PS I love your header. It's beautiful!
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