Monday, April 9, 2012

Introducing...Baby Jay.

Mom and Dad were up early Friday morning, at the the hospital at 5:30 a.m. ready to become the proud parents of our fourth child. Little Jay was born at 8:21 a.m. Friday the 6th of April. With his first breath he was excited to see the world. We couldn't have asked for an smoother surgery and delivery. Our doctor's and nurse's hands were blessed and guided. Aaron's support encouragement through the surgery was amazing. With each Cesarian delivery, one feels a bit more nervous, but everything checked out just fine and we now have the cutest boy in town. Weighing 8 lbs and 19 inches long, he'll stack up to any one of his siblings, who were and are equally excited to have him here at last.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and goodwill towards us. Birth is a beautiful and scary roller coaster, but with support from loved ones, especially hope and strength from heaven, the ride has been well worth it.

More & more pictures to come!


KC Crouch said...

Congrats! He's beautiful!

Gicela said...

Congrats! So beautiful!

Christie said...

Yeah! Congratulations! So glad he's here safe and sound. Love the name.

Suddenly, Adam looks SO grown up! Great to have such wonderful siblings and parents waiting for him. Take care! We're so happy for you!