Sunday, November 13, 2011

By The Way...

We've moved! We've taken the plunge and set sail to The Great Northwest. Aaron received the much anticipated letter of acceptance to a Law School in Portland and since August 1st we've set anchor to reside in a beautiful suburb of The Rose City. I've never seen so much moss in my life and never heard so many Canadian geese flying over my house in one day. I think the temperature reached 90 degrees 1 or 2 weeks this August, but other than that, you could say I live in a perfectly green, temperate paradise. We're not in the desert anymore, Toto.

I have found Oregonians a very eco-friendly people and all around great group to be with. Our neighbors are happy to give help and advice as to which stores to shop at and which pumpkins patches to visit.

We've visited the coast two or three times and each time has been spectacular. (Unless of course you’re a mighty 7 year old and think you can take any wave that comes your way, but oops that wave seemed to knock you over and fill your gut with seawater.) Good thing mom sticks close by and Dad is not far either to help build the traditional sandcastle.

E and Mai have loved their new school and especially riding the bus. Mom likes that perk also.

Adam has become king of the sidewalk with his red trike and black cowboy boots. He may even surprise you after sneaking out of naptime to reveal his true intent of playing the piano in black and green striped tights.

Aaron is close to finishing up his 1st semester of law. Extra prayers would be greatly appreciated for the sake of finals the first of December. Aaron also thought he'd join the Army just to keep this life change interesting. I do have to say, he looks good in a uniform. We're proud to serve our country.

Melissa has had a bit of a time getting settled with an unsettled tummy. Yes, a little Mr. or Miss is on its way to our household in the spring of next year. We're of course blessed and very excited to have a new baby.

So as we raise our flag and stake our claim we give thanks to the many who have made our life here possible. It takes a fleet of dear friends, family and unknowns to see a family off and welcome a family in to a new frontier a new way of life.

I thank the stars that continually guide us through tempest and storm. I thank heaven's power, which calms and comforts continually.

A few pictures to enjoy of our family in OR.

Ethan the 2nd grader & Maille ready for the BIG K.

Grandma & Grandpa Cahoon & Kids in the beautiful downtown leaves.

Me & My Little Bro. at the Farmer's Market. Our home away from home.

Grandma & Grandpa Baxter at Portland LDS Temple

Nixon, Vann & Kandis came to visit. We love BFFs.

Aaron & Adam traveling through wild mushroom country.

Maille blazing the trail through our downtown bike ride.

Our sweet cousins that are now just a hop, skip and a jump away. Yay.


Katie said...

We miss you desperately!!! Zach loved talking to Maille the other day. By the way Zach was also a vampire for Halloween (Count Zachula!) Those two think alike even when they are states away.

MathisNeilan said...

When you guys make changes, you don't go small. Congrats on the new school, new state, new service to the country, and especially the new baby!

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

So fun to hear from you and to read about what your family has been up to! I can't believe you are really in Oregon! You are now my 2nd friend to move there recently...sad! I'm so glad you are enjoying it though! Please keep us updated on all your adventures...I'm the worst blogger now days...are you on facebook? I miss you and am so sad that I didn't get a chance to see you before you left!!! Hope all is well, and know that I love ya!
P.S. and congrats on the new little one! I am also prego with my 4th...scary! ;) I am due May 20th...finding out in a few weeks what it will be...hopefully a girl this time?! :)

Gicela said...

Love the update! COngrats on the new little on on the way and on all your new adventures!

Leslie Baird said...

I miss you more than I could put into words. LeAnn and I have been keeping up on all your updates, she says hi. I love that you guys are wild with adventure, I can only imagine great things are planned for such great people. I need to call you. I also need your address. Please know I think of you and your sweet family often.

Steph said...

We miss you guys!! But so, so glad to be able to keep tabs on you through the blog.

(and congrats on the new baby!!)

Shapiro said...

Congratulations! You're living the dream!! The Watsons told us you moved... that neighborhood has changed so much! Whenever we make the trek up to Oregon, we'll come by and say hi!
Congrats on the new one coming... we are due at the end of April - sounds like around the same time. Long time no talk or see but we still remember and love you beautiful Baxters!

Ms. Annika said...

Congrats on all the new and exciting changes in the Baxter family! Sounds like you have started a great little adventure in Oregon.