Portland is the land of runners. You'll see everyone and their dog (literally) running up the street and down the street. Through the wooded paths and over the 5,000 rolling hills you'll find in this town. It's a marathon training paradise and in our neck of the woods, they start the kids young on the road to sweat, sour knees and personal triumph.
For my kids the training begins at "Runners Club" after lunch & "Fun Run" Fundraiser in October.
Go Ethan!
The weekly Runner's Club has helped all the elementary students get excited, and more physically fit, for the school's big fundraiser, The Fun Run. Last week each grade level came outside to the track at different times of the day. They tightened up their tenni runners and got set to run around the track for 20 minutes. TWENTY MINUTES! Yet, everyone one of those kids was bound and determined to race their little hearts out. This is where the fundraiser comes in. The kids ask friends and family to sponsor them in their quest to tackle the track and earn as many marks as they can. For example, a beloved grandma (hint, hint) may donate $2 for every lap her grandchild runs. Or Grandpa may donate a flat rate of $10 or $20 bucks for their little muffins valiant efforts. (Post marked by Oct. 26th...) When the big day comes and kids take their mark, the gun sounds and they are off to break all world records and raise money for the school.
After the first lap, many were trotting, then briskly walking, then slowly walking. I even noticed a few walking groups get started into the 5th & 6th minute. But who cares. It's all in the fun of it, right! A few of the kids did try to run the entire time (bless their little Nike souls). The majority took little breaks in between their bursts of energy. Many wanted to faint when they found out that they still had 14 minutes to go. And I'm sure all of the little road runners had a good nights sleep with a couple aches and pains the next day. It's good for them.
When all was said and done and the final whistle blew (thank goodness), Ethan ran 10 laps, Maille 7 and Adam...well...he won the race.
Portland is the land of runners,
BIG or small.
Way to go!
Even now, a mile still seems like an eternity to me. As a kid, I'd get so red in the face, they'd worry that I was going to pass out.
Keep runnin'
I love this! This sounds like the polar opposite of Alabama elementary schools (where we live now). Way to go Portland!! I can't believe how grown up your littles are. :)
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